IV Sedation, Laughing Gas, Oral Sedation

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Don’t let dental anxiety stop you from taking care of your smile! At our Meridian Idaho office, we don’t want anything to come between you and the best dental care possible; that’s why we offer two distinct levels of dental sedation for our patients.

Laughter Is The Best Medicine…

Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, has been used in dentistry for over 100 years. Administered through a soft mask placed over your nose, the gaseous mixture takes the edge off and may give you a somewhat euphoric feeling, but it does not control pain. You will still need to have anesthetic injections for certain procedures. However, once your procedure is finished, you will begin to feel normal again within a few minutes. You’ll be able to drive yourself home and continue about your day.

IV Sedation

For some patients, even the thought of being awake in the dentist’s chair is too much. For other patients, nitrous reacts with their body chemistry to make them more nervous than they were initially. Dr. Aaron Orme offers another solution to help make your dental appointments easier: IV Sedation.

Who is a good candidate for Sedation Dentistry at Orme Family and Implant Dentistry?

People who have...

  • High fear or anxiety of going to the dentist
  • Traumatic dental experiences in your past
  • Difficulty getting numb or comfortable
  • A gag reflex
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Complex or major dental problems
  • Short time to complete dental care

It really works! You really can relax through your entire dental appointment.

Safe, with little downtime

You will have little or no memory of the experience. It is common that patients don't remember any sounds or smells.  This is normal!

Complex dental treatments that often require multiple appointments, can be done in as little as one at Orme Family and Implant Dentistry!

People who have difficulty getting numb will find it relaxing as you snooze through your dental procedures.


"Will I be unconscious?"

No, but you will be in a deep state of relaxation during your treatment. You will be able to breathe on your own and communicate, but you will not feel any pain or anxiety. You probably won't even remember the procedure afterwards.

"How long will I be sedated?"

Sedation can last from about 1-6 hours depending on the strength of sedative you are given and how long your procedure takes.  

"Will I be monitored?"

Yes, at all times during your sedation someone will be with you. We also monitor your vitals to make sure they remain at a normal level. Safety is of the utmost importance to us.


"Are there any long term effects of sedation?"

No. You will feel a little groggy and a little"out of it" after some forms of sedation, but after a few hours you will feel like yourself again. Most patients will rest for the remainder of the day. You will need to have someone drive you home from your appointment in these cases.

"What procedures can be performed under sedation?"

Most any procedure can be performed with sedation. The sedation is not necessarily for the procedure itself, but for the anxiety that accompanies the procedure. Ask your dentist if sedation is available for a particular procedure.  It is very common for our patients to have sedation, even if they have no fear, during surgical procedures.

"How many appointments are needed to complete my dental work?"

In most cases it only takes two or three appointments. The first appointment will be a consultation to check your health history and make sure you are a candidate for sedation. The next appointment will be to perform the necessary procedures. This can usually be done in one appointment, but may require a follow up visit.

"Will my insurance cover sedation?"

In some cases if the patient is undergoing a type of oral surgery it may be covered by your insurance provider. We will provide a complimentary benefits check with your insurance company and let you know if it is covered or not. If it is not covered, we will let you know the cost and, if necessary, we can put together a financing plan for you.

Which Is Best For Me?

Nitrous is a great, thoroughly tested option if you have a short procedure and low levels of anxiety. You may be able to use it only during the injection stage or for a limited time at the beginning of the procedure. On the other hand, if you have certain health conditions or are extremely nervous about your visit, IV sedation may be a better option for you. IV Sedation works well for longer, more involved procedures since it lasts a several hours before wearing off.  Dr. Orme can work with you regardless of which option you choose, however, due to regulations, you can only use one at a time, and not in conjunction with each other.

Don’t let anxiety make you put off your dental care. Call Orme Family and Implant Dentistry today to find out how we can help you.