River City Surgical Center

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Dental work using anesthesia is a method of providing pain relief and relaxation during dental procedures. Anesthesia can be used for a range of dental procedures, from routine cleanings and fillings to more complex treatments such as extractions or root canals.

Before administering anesthesia, we will first evaluate the patient's medical history and current health status to determine if anesthesia is appropriate. This evaluation will also determine the type and dosage of anesthesia needed for the procedure.

The most common type of anesthesia used in dentistry is local anesthesia. This involves injecting a numbing agent directly into the area where the procedure will take place. The patient will remain awake and aware during the procedure, but will not feel any pain.

For more complex procedures or for patients who experience anxiety or fear of dental procedures, other types of anesthesia may be used. One option is conscious sedation, which involves administering medication to help the patient relax and feel calm. The patient will remain conscious and able to communicate with the dentist, but may not remember the procedure afterward.

In some cases, general anesthesia may be used, which involves putting the patient into a temporary sleep-like state. We use the River City Surgical Center for these procedures. This is typically reserved for more complex procedures or for patients who have medical conditions that make it difficult to remain still during the procedure.

Regardless of the type of anesthesia used, the dentist and anesthesia provider will closely monitor the patient's vital signs and response to the medication throughout the procedure to ensure their safety and comfort.

After the procedure is complete, the patient will be monitored until the effects of the anesthesia wear off and it is safe to leave the office. Patients who receive anesthesia may experience some temporary side effects, such as dizziness, nausea, or grogginess, but these typically subside within a few hours.

Overall, dental work using anesthesia is a safe and effective method of providing pain relief and relaxation during dental procedures, and can help make dental visits a more comfortable and stress-free experience for patients.